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Retro 51

Retro 51 Tornado Rollerball Pen in Seven Chakras - NEW in Tube - ZRR-2243

Retro 51 Tornado Rollerball Pen in Seven Chakras - NEW in Tube - ZRR-2243

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Retro 51 Tornado Rollerball Pen in Seven Chakras - NEW in Tube - ZRR-2243

Approach your work with an open heart and an open mind with the Retro 51 Seven Chakras rollerball pen. Designed in collaboration with renowned Mandala artist Shweta Jain, this pen has the seven main chakras wrapped around the tapered barrel. 

Chakra (which comes from cakra in Sanskrit) means "wheel" or "circle" and refers to the individual energy points located throughout the body.  The Chakra dates back to early Hinduism and relates to the meditative properties in aligning and opening the energy points in your body that affect our emotional and physical wellbeing.


The seven Chakras gracefully depicted are:

  • 7. Sahasrara (the crown) - located at the top of the head and is the highest spiritual center of pure consciousness.
  • 6. Ajna (third eye) - located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrow represents openness and imagination.
  • 5. Vissudha (throat) - located at the next represents the ability to speak and communicate effectively
  • 4. Anahata (heart) - located in the center and represents love and self love.
  • 3. Manipura (solar plexus) is located below the chest and represents self esteem, pleasure and will power.
  • 2. Svadhishthana (sacral) located below the navel, represents the lotus of creation and sexual energies.
  • 1. Muladhara (root) located at the base of the spine represents the foundation of where we build our spine. Safety, Security, Stability

Retro 1951 Tornado "Seven Chakras" Rollerball Pen Specifications

  • Edition: Limited, Numbered edition of 700 pieces (significant for the 7 Chakras). Exclusive to Goldspot Pens
  • Finish: graphic printed barrel with white glow-in-the-dark ink
  • Pen glows in the dark after "char..


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